Konrad Wyrebek
Konrad Wyrebek (b. Czech Republic) is British-Polish artist living and working in London. Data Error are a series of large format abstract paintings and video-paintings using images captured from television, film, and print that represent contemporary living, lifestyle and culture. Each image is pixelated through a succession of digital compressions with deliberate settings causing corruption of data in transfer between different software and devices. Wyrebek explains that there is a connection between the process and the intensification of abstraction Mondrian’s paintings.
Wyrebek’s large-format abstract paintings examine the relationship of mark-makings between the emotional artist’s hand and rational technology. The question is also raised as to how far and how soon, humanity is losing itself in the digital; how far we are already embarked on a journey that merges mind and body with the stuff of machine. On a daily basis, we are exposed to vast amounts of information that can be interrupted, transformed or even corrupted. Konrad Wyrebek’s Data Error paintings open discussion and further investigation into the chaotic and complex DNA of the digital age.